When …

When I get to the end of my life, I don’t want to worry about if I fit the label or not.

When I get to the end I won’t worry if the others understood.

When I get to the end I won’t care if I was a twue this or that. I won’t care if He was ….

When I get to the end I won’t care how much money is in my bank account.

When I get to the end I won’t care if my car is ‘cool’ enough.

When I get to the end I won’t care if my kids got straight ‘A’s, finished school on time or got a prestigious job.

When I get to the end … all that society looks at and ‘likes’ won’t matter one bit.


I want to be a person who lived with honour and humility.

I want to be a person who gave a helping hand when she could, without asking for recognition or reward.

Mostly, I want to be a person who made sure that those I care about know it.


It’s not about pain, play, or labels and fitting the box.

It’s about connecting with those around you in your true and raw form. It’s about living …. until you die.

Happy Monday All! 🙂

12 thoughts on “When …

      1. I went for a walk on Saturday, my friend and I both looking up at the vast landscape around us. (OK, maybe we were looking for spots to tie) We both noticed the many people we passed were heads down, often in their phones, ignoring the magnificent world they walked through. It made me sad.

        I’m trying to make the most of simple pleasures, and long may that continue.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Have a fellow who will most likely pass this week and I think he would agree.

    Probably said it before but I’ll repeat the admonition that you should always carry yourself as someone who you wouldn’t mind sleeping with because every night you will!


    1. It’s too easy to get caught up in the ‘rat race’ of life, at the end you wonder why the heck you were so foolish. I’m hoping to save myself at least ‘some’ of that …


  2. Aw. i have an aunt who is near passing and i think she would agree that at this point in her life all she cares about is the love she’s been able to share. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

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