A primal scream releases cortisol.

Cortisol is a stress chemical that reacts with our hormones.

When we release cortisol we feel less stress, our body and mind feels better.

We enjoy BDSM, so ……

Scream my friends! We are not ‘odd’, perhaps we are just ‘better adjusted’! 😉

*** BTW this is fact, not fiction! ***


13 thoughts on “Rx BDSM

    1. LoL I just did too! *grin*

      When I was younger i used to ‘bark’, startled the heck out of people, it was freeing too! *wink* pretty convincing as well, more than one person jumped and tried to find the ‘big dog’! LoL I have a ‘big bark’ for a little bunny it seems! tee hee

      Liked by 1 person

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