‘Kinky’ side effects!

I wanted to post this here, even if it is slightly embarrassing, in hopes of maybe helping someone else.

I wrote a bit ago about my need for a rule involving working out. I needed to get some motivation back and for me, having it as a rule is really all the push i need to get back on track.

Now what I didn’t mention is that part of the workout rule involves wearing ben wa balls for the duration.

Why you ask? Is it simply to keep me focused on being His submissive and help keep me ‘in the mood’? Well, no actually. Although the focus could very well be a D/s one, in this case the reason was much more mechanical. *wink*

They come in all shapes and sizes, some like these, some vibrate, some made of metal. They come in differing weights and of course any choice of colour!

For many years now i have been holding myself back from doing things that i love to do. Things like running (which i can’t do now anyway because of other issues) and dancing and just simply getting involved in other forms of exercise/sports that I enjoy. Thanks to peri-menopause any overly active movement will cause bladder leakage. I know, oh sooo sexy, right?

I wrote a long time ago about possibly trying some of the things out there to help strengthen and regain control but up until this point i hadn’t. The reason exactly i don’t know. At first i think it was a ‘toy’ issue. Since i wasn’t allowed to touch or play without expressed permission and the ben wa balls kind of do come under that category, i had a mental block you could say.

Add to that my own personal hangups for whatever the reason and it just simply never happened. My brain knew it was worth a try but my hangups wouldn’t let me. As a rule however …… well, you know the drill, for some reason everything changes, it all becomes okay.

You can start with one size and weight and then move to a more intense pelvic exercise by changing them up. I have a few different options and i think i will be asking to move to another set soon. I started with the silicone type that has better hold on its own but i will be trying the metal ones soon. I plan on starting with one larger ball first and then working up to two when i’m ready. The next step will be to change the size to a smaller one, which will be more work to hold and then of course two etc. …. I think you get the idea.

So …. we attended a concert this past weekend and I GOT TO DANCE! I danced a lot!!! I danced to my heart’s contentment and I never leaked, not even a little bit! *grin*

When I got home the first thing I mentioned was that ‘i got to dance Sir, and i never pee’d!! Not even a little … ‘

He had a hardy chuckle from my enthusiasm and wording but He also gave me a great big Bear hug and was very happy as well. Lots of words of praise and lots of rejoicing with me ….

Most of you know by now how important music is to my life. Dancing and really feeling it is part of that for me as well. Being able to just finally let go and enjoy the moment is a wonderful accomplishment.

If this little tidbit of information helps someone else to help themselves with this issue than it is worth the slight embarrassment on my part! I use them for about half an hour on the elliptical and ski machine combined. There seems to be plenty of bouncing around between the two workouts to make it effective and it seems to be helping me to do the same afterwards without leakage! *wink*


6 thoughts on “‘Kinky’ side effects!

  1. That’s great!
    I’m right there with ya. I’ve gotten a few different tools/toys over the years to help out. I never thought about using them on the treadmill. Since we have our own now, I may just. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It seems to be working quite well and rather quickly as well. It’s not perfect, i’m not saying that, but anything better than what it was is a good thing to me! *wink*

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Having you finally get to do some dancing again was wonderful. Having you dance and not get wet (in a bad way😉) well that was absolutely fantastic. Your hard work is paying off nijntje. Good job.☺

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh Nijntje thanks for sharing this. Because of reasons beyond my control I had to have a hysterectomy quite young and I went through menopause early and oh what a joy that was. I made sure I did my kegals day and night but even the best of us have LBL (little bladder leakage). Not to dance would kill me so I developed a thing called ‘chair dancing’ where I jiggled about like a demented person in my chair. Now I can dance normally and enjoy every second of it. I am so glad you were once more, able to dance. As for the ben wah balls, way to go Miss Ana Steele. ❤ ❤ <3,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, i’ve been dealing with the menoBeast for almost 10 years now, i must be getting close to being done. I HOPE!!! LoL

      I know all about the chair dancing, been there done that too. It did feel great to be back up and buggying though … yays!! *wink*


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