Completely Appalled!

Search terms!

“we use spanking as discipline sometimes -child -mom -videos -she -her -daughter -incest”

I have no idea how *this* brought you here but you are absolutely in the wrong place and God help you if I find you first!

Outside of wordpress I have no online presence, I know some of you like to share my work on facebook, twitter, etc. – Please be sure to not have it associated with anything that might relate back to that!!!

I don’t even know what to say …. I’m seriously livid that those terms would some how lead someone here. Frowned-upon kinky was funny, this …. this is disgusting!

I’m done now before I go off on a very, long, tirade!

You, who ever you are looking for that – go away! Better yet, turn yourself in, get some help ….. but stop!



8 thoughts on “Completely Appalled!

    1. I did try to put it into that avenue but some of those words are just not even kink appropriate ….. Although now that you mention it, my site does get views all over the world so perhaps translation and bad choice of words could be to blame!
      I hope you’re right!


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